Tuesday, September 16, 2008

survivor: ecuador.

I got some fashion advice once on how to wear a backpack, "you always want to look like you're about to go hiking." Some of the best advice I've ever received. And the extent of my hiking experience. 

Well, scratch that. In 7th grade, I went on a seven-mile hike with my Sunday school class (my dad went with me and carried everything and as a 7th grader I had more energy than one can possibly imagine. Seriously.) and at Kanakuk, we went on a mile hike once. So, that is the extent of my hiking experience. 

Britt sent the itinerary for the big trip...I am convinced it's my own version of Survivor. But, I did go out and buy some of those pants that zip off into shorts, so that is worth it!

Here's a bit of the run-down: 
  • Hike from Laguna Quilotoa to Chugchilan (5 hours), passing through the indigenous valley of Guayama and crossing the Rio Sihui Canyon, a tributary to the Rio Toachi.  Yes, we are hiking from one destination to the next. 
  • The bike adventure on the world’s highest active volcano begins. Bike on dirt roads through volcanic ash and páramo landscape to Inca ruin at 3.700 m Packed lunch while keeping an eye towards the sky - you might see a condor! In the afternoon bike on dirt roads and single track down from Lake Limpiopungo through pine forest.  Ok, this is biking DOWN a mountain, but still...the difficulty is moderate and the altitude is intense and honestly, the thing that worries me the most is the packed lunch...what do Dutch-Ecuadorians pack in a lunch? I don't want to find out. 

  • Catch the bus to Zumbahua at Latacunga’s terminal ( 2 hours). Short walk in to Zumbahua, hire a truck to take us to Laguna Quilotoa ( 45 minutes). Short walk in? Hire a truck? Is that like hiring a truck to take me to Fort Worth, but they drop me off in Arlington?

All of that being said...I am so excited for this adventure with my best friend! I mean, if I'm going to die on the side of a mountain, I might as well do it in my new adventure pants in the Andes, right? Right. 

Also, if I die I want Morgan to have my DVDs. Lauren Pardue can have all of my books on the Presidents (for the baby's growth and development). And...the Anita girls can have my i-Pod and its playlists (not to be shared with Melanie).  Risa can have my Vans and my Converses. Britt can keep the adventure pants. 


Morgan said...

I never want to go to ecuador.

Mrs. Frazier said...

girl, if you die, I am changing all your playlists to emo and musicals... I might as well reform your change of music when I can... even if its in the grave.

Kay Daniels said...

Please take lots of pictures. I can't wait to hear the hilarious stories you will have from your trip. And have fun.....and please be safe!! (Do I sound like a mom? Well, I am, so there.)

You make me laugh!


Chris and Lindsey Wheeler said...

WOW!!! Sounds like fun....love the will!

Anonymous said...


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