Monday, August 31, 2009
this is america.

Friday, August 28, 2009
- You may remember this post about Miley Cyrus and a certain Daughtry song: well, guess what? Driving down the road yesterday the Daughtry sang came on (not shocking, it plays about six times an hour) and wincing in pain and much enjoyment, I listened. To. the. whole. thing. The DJ came on and you know what he told me? You'll never guess. He told me that the Nickelback guy (Chad Trashsomethingorother) co-wrote the Daughtry song! Kick me twice and then call me Nancy. I will never listen to that song again.
- Last month I wrote about the term normal and in that post I kind of went off on Ed Hardy. For good reason: horribly ugly, over-priced, usually bedazzled (which, in most cases is actually a plus) and of course, a good majority of the products feature a tiger's head. Anyway. Walgreen's is now selling Ed Hardy lighters. Super classy.
- Someone in Dallas, not too far from my homestead, is going around and mutilating cats and then leaving the bodies in the yard where they can be spotted. I just want to get it out there that I do not condone this type of activity, nor will I ever. But, I did let out some gigglez when the news flashed a picture of one of the dead cats onto the screen and he was wearing a teeny-tiny little baseball hat, much like the cat below.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
oh, i see.
Monday, August 24, 2009
actually, don't.
Friday, August 21, 2009
gender bender.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
cats and society.
This was a letter written to a friend. You can pretend like it was to you personally, if you like...
Cats are disgusting. You should never own a cat. I know you may think you’re missing out on something, but if you never trust anything I say, trust me when I say this, “You aren’t missing out on anything. I swear.”
Have you ever heard the phrase, "you look like something the cat drug in?" Exactly. Cats are nasty and drag nasty things around.
When you get older and you notice that a boy owns a cat and he doesn't live with his sister or mother, that should be seen as an immediate deal breaker and you should not date him. However, you can be friends with him and then your first act of friendship should be to tell him to get rid of the cat. Everyone wins.
Monday, August 17, 2009
hodge podge.
As intriguing as these lyrics were/are I was doubly excited because it made me feel like maybe this rapper was taking an active interest in their community instead of rapping about loose women and expensive cars and liquor. But, of course my mind was quickly changed when I heard the line about "next time I come to church don't take my picture." Don't even get me started.
3. Mean Girls
4.To Kill a Mockingbird
5. Waiting for Guffman
6. Home Alone
7. Walk the Line
8. Uncle Buck
9. National Lampoon's Vacation
10. Baby Mama
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
the shame of it all.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
an open letter to the 111th congress.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
but, i need to know why.