I'm back in Dallas again! And this time its for a whole week. In honor of the "the day" as LC calls it, and hence a day off in the middle of the week, I get to work right here in Dal. I've only been home for about 36 hours now, but they have been full of excitement. Last night we had Sunday night dinner at our house and we all got to experience Noelle's fabulous home cooking. We picked a GREAT roommate. Today, we all went to see
Evening, the novel-turned-movie that inspired the New York Times philosophy that "not all novels deserve to be made into movies." It was a serious movie, but provided some mega-belly laughs for the six of us that went to see it. We were definitely "those girls" who giggle and act immature throughout the movie. Oh well. We also had a great talk about beanbags and baseball on the way. Quite enlightening.
Tami is in Cancun so I'm kind of mad at her.
Morgan and LC found a house and they are moving in in two weeks. So LC and I are no longer going to live together (tear). I mean, will we ever see each other again? Will we still be friends? Will we still watch Felicity for hours together? And the real clencher...what will happen to the blog?
LC and I will probably have to have a talk about this. We have been having some serious talks lately and are really beginning to sort out our issues. Maybe one day we will have a functional relationship.