I am suffering from an extreme case of writer's block today and really, the past few weeks. I know the blog world is slowly dying one reader at a time, so in an effort to appease my dozens (at least maybe a dozen) of fans/readers I will show everyone the apple of my eye and my current most valuable possession...
Franklin Pierce as a Bobblehead.

I know it seems like maybe I've gone a step too far, but I think it shows how simple the world can still be when something this stupid makes you completely happy. I know for a fact Jesus made sure this bobblehead was made just for me. President Pierce was a Christian after all.
you are funny
Franklin Pierce wears eye liner.
I have Justin Timberlake & JC Chasez bobble head dolls... I'll allow Franklin to be freinds with them.
have you noticed how he's standing...with the fist on his hip/hip cocked out a tiny bit like he's saying "uhhh..hey world, i'm handsome frank. get it"
Don't give up. You are not alone. The FP bobblehead is also a prized possession of mine.
Has the New Hampshire Historical Society gone to far with its bobbleheads? You be the judge. Check out the article "Critics Call Bobblehead Dolls Offensive: They Depict Indian and Pioneer Mother." at the Concord Monitor web site.
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