As we inch closer and closer to Christmas morning this gift guide becomes more and more important. Let's not hold out on the thoughtfulness any longer!
Giant Folding Lawn Chair
For: The Tailgater
Why: Because sometimes tailgating is fun, but not comfortable. With this giant (ass) chair, it can now be both.
Bonus: You can snuggle with up to three (small) adults in this chair.
Remote Control Cooler
For: The Alcoholic
Why: Let's be honest, if someone is drunk the last thing you want them doing is moving around. With this gift the cooler comes to them!
Bonus: It spins! Could double as entertainment.
Giant Couch for Dogs
For: The Crazy Dog Lover
Why: Because crazy people like to cuddle with their dogs.
Bonus: It comes with a bone pillow!
Bald Eagle Wall Decor
For: The American
Why: Because Americans needs a way to tell people, "I'm American dammit!" without playing Toby Keith songs on a loop.
Bonus: Could double as a coat rack, if hung low enough.
Panda Rain Gauge
For: Those Obsessed with Collecting Rain
Why: I honestly do not know why I would buy this for anyone, but that doesn't mean that you don't know someone, right?!
Bonus: Proceeds from your purchase go towards the World Wildlife Fund.
Amazing Rainbow Projector
For: The Rainbow Lover
Why: Because sometimes is just doesn't rain enough and you need to see a rainbow to be reminded of God's promises.
Bonus: Turn on the rainbows with a wave of your hand for extra magical appeal
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