Tuesday, September 29, 2009
the hills: not so welcome back.
this is america II.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
age is relative.
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Razorbacks are always for certain going to lead you one way and immediately turn around and leave you desolate and confused somewhere. Here I am, 26 years (I count my time in the womb) into being a fan and I'm still shocked that the Razorbacks are losing games they should be winning. But, it's for certain that I'm going to continue to put my heart, my soul and my monies beyond these little piggies. Always.
It's for certain, always, that Friday afternoon traffic is going to suck. Plain and simple. Cold hard fact. No getting around it. So, why is it that I'm always extremely pissed off and overwrought with grief when it takes me two hours to get to Plano on a Friday at 6pm? When will I learn to accept it as fact, when I already know it's fact? When I will stop the fist pumps and long strands of cuss words? I want to appreciate that this is a certain when very few things are.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
idle threats.
sometimes i want to give up stop fighting but then i think of gahndi and when he said "he who not sinned cast the first line to fish" if i g
5:41 AM Apr 4th from web
if eveyrone who sinned can't fish then who would cast the line??? exactly NOONE!! because we all have made mistakes but we also need fish an
5:45 AM Apr 4th from web
bottom line if we don't have the fish then we all die if this doesn't make sense to you then you need Bible lessons, forgive the sinners cas
5:46 AM Apr 4th from web
if you dont have your Bible around then just do an ask jeeves search you will understand, no fish then we die, no sinners then no fish FORGI
5:49 AM Apr 4th from web
are Bible verses censored now lessons from the Lord??? at the very least can i not give wisdom to people about the need for fish and forgivn
5:51 AM Apr 4th from web
iT MIGHT BE A MUte point at this point but if tech support would at least not censor my blogs about our Lord and the Bible and be good peopl
6:29 AM Apr 4th from web
a Bible lesson once in a while to keep you GORUNDED and humble is not a bad thing and remember the fish, if everyone is perfect who will cas
3:30 PM Apr 4th from web
Those are straight from her Twitter, no making that stuff up. Clearly, you can see why I was intrigued. And when she posted this gem, I was hooked.
i am a HUMAN BEING1:49 AM Jun 24th from web
I think it's safe to say that she lives and dies by things she finds on Ask Jeeves. There's even been a few times she's apparently asked Jeeves for help with a home invasion. Try 911, honey.
So, back to my story: yesterday, I tweeted her. I simply stated that I was worried about her and she never made any sense. I giggled a bit and later got this message (a DIRECT MESSAGE) from her: dinalohan: worried about me WHY because of threatened by my SUCCESS???
Is that even an actual question? I felt like Dina Lohan asking me if I'm threatened by her success (I can only assume that's what she was asking) was equivalent to someone asking me if I'm threatened by a Cabbage Patch Doll's success. The answer is no, I'm not.
Actually, I might be more threatened by the success of Cabbage Patch Dolls than Dina Lohan, but that's still up for debate.
Here's my point: are you really successful if you are living off your daughter's fame and now that daughter is a (failing) recovering addict, who has been arrested multiple times, hasn't made a movie in a while and is only in the headlines for looking cracked out and dating an older lesbian? I would say Ms. Lohan has a very skewed (ie; loose) version of the word success.
But, then again, who am I, little ole, lc, to judge? After all, like Gahndi said, "he who not sinned cast the first line to fish."
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
you can't be serious/ i'd like to punch most americans.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
on death and dying.
- A trolley is hurtling down a track towards five people. You can divert it onto a separate track. On this track is a man. Flipping the switch will kill the man and save the five. Would you flip the switch?
You know what? I'm not flipping the switch. There's a million reasons as to why I'm not flipping the switch, but mainly, I'm not switching it because I'm thinking, "what the hell are those people doing laying down on the tracks and why am I in charge of this?" I'm not going to flip it because I'm not responsible for those people being on the tracks, I'm just responsible for the switch and I'm not touching the switch. - A trolley is hurtling down a track towards five people. You are on a bridge under which it will pass, and you can stop it by dropping a heavy weight in front of it. As it happens, there is large man next to you - your only way to stop the trolley is to push him over the bridge and onto the track, killing him to save five. Would you proceed?
Um, are you kidding? There's no way, adrenaline pumping or not, that I can lift a heavy man over the railing of a bridge. I'm absolutely not pushing this man over. What makes this man's life any less significant than the five people? I mean, in this situation, this man's only sin is his portly stature and these people? Well, they are laying on train tracks, or in this case trolley tracks. - SAME AS #1 EXCEPT the person on the track is your (brother/ sister/ son/ daughter/ mother/ father)? Would you flip the switch?
No way is anyone in my family dumb enough to volunteer for this and there's no way anyone in my family would ever considering testing someone else in my family on this one. I mean, my brother once chased me around my yard with a baseball bat screaming, "I'm going to kill you!" Those people are dying. Plain and simple. COWLING RULES! - SAME AS #2 EXCEPT the five men on the tracks are homeless and addicted to drugs, the large man has committed no crime and has two children. What would you do?
I'm still not pushing the man off the damn bridge and who put these homeless men on the train tracks? I wouldn't care if they weren't homeless. The fat man is living. If you're laying on train tracks when a train (err, trolley) comes by, I say: wrong place, wrong time. - You are hiding in a time of war. There are 14 persons with you. One is your 6-month old child. She begins to cry. Her crying will reveal your location and the soldiers outside will come in and kill all 15 of you. Would you stifle your child’s cries to the point of fatal suffocation?
Ab.so.lute.ly. not. Who would do this? I mean, I'm sure my parents wanted to when I was like, seven, but really? And why are we hiding? Are we the Franks? How did 15 people get in one really awesome hiding spot? I bet someone else would kill my baby before I would, but it'd really piss me off.
So, I'm pretty much saying I hope I never see a fat man on a bridge, because I know if I do I'm going to have to choose between a man who loves his amino acids and five men who just love to trip on acid.